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Stanley - Scissors Sheet MAXSTEEL 250mm straight jaw - Sawyer - Cutting - Εngraving
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Παράλαβε το ό,τι ώρα θες: Tα ΒΟΧ ΝΟW Locker λειτουργούν 24 ώρες το 24ωρο, 7 ημέρες την εβδομάδα. Οικονομικές τιμές μεταφορικών για παράδοση εντός της επόμενης εργάσιμης ημέρας.

Stanley - Scissors Sheet MAXSTEEL 250mm straight jaw


Product Code: 2-14-563

Manufacturer: Stanley

Category: Sawyer - Cutting - Εngraving

Manufacturer Warranty: 1 Year

Availability: 1 to 3 days

Price: 13.86

For pickup from our store please confirm availability by phone first
  • Serrated jaws help grip the sheet during cutting .
  • Chrome-plated bolts and nuts .
  • Manufacture of forged steel chromium - molybdenum .
  • Permanent plaque recognizing the direction of cutting .
  • Automatic disengagement of the jaws with simple pressure.
  • Double coil springs for longer life .
  • Handles two materials for perfect grip and maximum user comfort .
  • Cutting capacity for cold plates and 1.2 mm for stainless steel 0.7 mm.
  • Cuts even aluminum , copper , wire , leather , plastic.
Stanley - Scissors Sheet MAXSTEEL 250mm straight jaw - Sawyer - Cutting - Εngraving

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