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Sonax Profiline 231 Rim Cleaner Red Max 5L - Wheel / Tire Care
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Sonax Profiline 231 Rim Cleaner Red Max 5L


Product Code: 231505

Manufacturer: Sonax

Category: Wheel / Tire Care

Availability: In stock

Price: 70.00

Number of installments amount/month
2 x €35.00
3 x €23.33
For pickup from our store please confirm availability by phone first

Its impressive effect begins immediately after spraying on the rims. The brake powder on the rim turns into a soluble form and is colored a bright red color, which gives the new rim cleaner its name "Red Max". After a few minutes, the chemical process is complete and the rims can be rinsed without the need for normal scrubbing with a brush or sponge.

Sonax Profiline 231 Rim Cleaner Red Max 5L - Wheel / Tire Care

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